Unfortunately, for many companies it is not obvious that they need financial management software. They just stick to accounting solutions, while business decision makers often do not have a good tool that allows them to understand their company’s finances.
It is time to change that.
In Vortech we create dedicated business solutions that integrate with existing accounting systems and provide business people with a clear and transparent view of a company’s finances. We know from experience that the insights provided by accounting solutions are not enough. Amount of taxes to be paid or generated profit is not enough for company management.

Here are some of the issues that our software
solutions for financial management address:

Projecting financial liquidity
Analyzing cash-flow and predicting company's revenue
Project budgeting
Cost and vendor management and optimization
Payment management and collection
Circulation of financial documents in the company
Reporting on working time and team performance
Obtaining cost approvals for individual projects and employees
Comprehensive financial reporting and overview of financial condition of the company and its projects

Benefits of dedicated financial software

At any time you know what is the condition of your company's finances – you have much broader knowledge than the accounting department
You can see how efficiently individual departments / projects are working
Thanks to profitability control you are able to increase company's profit
You save dozens of hours per month because costs are managed in an organized, smooth and economical way
You save more hours because the system itself collects delayed payments
You can work 100% remotely because you have all sales documents and costs in one panel
Each person in the company has clearly assigned lines for reporting costs and sales and logging time
Automatically calculate the time spent by employees on a given project, which shows how much work cost was consumed
Easily examine the profitability of projects, departments and even employees
Software reflects the structure of your organization, making it easier to understand where the bottlenecks are and where the value generated by the company is leaking

Our experience in developing software for finance

While implementing solutions for financial management, we have worked with various service companies whose operating model is based on project management. This particular type of organization needs a particular type of software which will not only address the recurring problems of individual companies but will also be tailored to the specific requirements of a particular organization.

Each company is slightly different and flattening its requirements and forcing them into frames of one, universal solution may deprive it of its competitive advantages which include not only the provided service and product but also the way the company implements its business processes.

So far we have worked for a wide range of companies in the service sector, such as: creative industry, architecture, NGO, software, education, finance and investment, telecommunications.

What technologies do we use to create
dedicated financial management solutions?


Perhaps you are wondering about the compatibility of a dedicated software solution with the accounting system used so far in your company. We will take care of everything. Our dedicated solutions’ interfaces are able to communicate with most API accounting systems. This communication can be two-way so that both systems always have the latest set of information or one-way.

Modular structure
of our financial software

Our dedicated solutions are based on a set of ready-made modules that provide the basic functionality of the system. After a workshop with the customer, during which we map out their most important needs, we select modules that will meet most of them and plan which functionalities and integrations should be added so that the final system could fully solve the business problems of a given organization.

What kind of programming languages do we use

The core of our financial management solution was created in PHP language, using Symfony framework. Frontend layer of our applications is created in TypeScript using the popular Angular framework. It doesn’t mean that we are completely “rigid” in terms of technologies used. You can learn more about the programming languages and technological solutions that we use on the technology subpage.

What does the process of creating dedicated
financial solutions
with Vortech look like?

Implementing financial management software is not a simple process and requires a large dose
of trust from the partner who will implement it.


Good match and common success

The first step in working with Vortech is to assess whether our companies are a good fit for each other. You need to have complete confidence and trust in us as a partner. Often during such projects Vortech plays an important advisory role and, drawing on its experience, recommends solutions which at first may seem controversial. We have to trust each other and know that we are working on a common success.

Solution discovery sessions

The second stage is a precise recognition of business and financial processes which are implemented in your company. We do this through workshops held at your headquarters or remotely. The optimal way is to meet and work live, but in times that make such meetings difficult, we can do it via Zoom or Google Meet.

Iterative approach to software development

The third stage is to develop a full specification and then a recommended solution that responds to that specification. The rest of the work is iterative - we deliver elements of the solution, test them and implement fragment by fragment. Thanks to this you have full control over the entire process and confidence that what we create together is the right solution.

Good support and growth oriented cooperation

After delivery of all planned elements of the system, we provide full technical support of the project and are at your disposal should you need to expand or change anything. Your financial management software should always correspond with the development needs of your organization.

What can we do for you?

Talk to us about your project, and let's start building it together!

Błażej Dziuk