We care

At Vortech we’re focused on your business objectives. If you’re looking for a bunch of hired cogs that will ask no questions, you’re in the wrong place. We care about what we do and about the people we work for.

That means:

  • We ask difficult questions
  • We’re commited to understand the project that we are working on
  • We will provide you with surprising and sometimes controversial insights
  • We try to provide you not only with web development but also with technical and business advice

We’ll help you to deliver your next web application

is for the user

For your user, everything starts with experience. He doesn’t care what kind of magic is happening behind the scenes. He just wants to get stuff done or be entertained, and he wants to do it in the easiest way possible. To achieve that, we’re striving to create a great user experience using modern JavaScript frameworks like React or Vue.JS. Your next application can be light, fast, easy to use, and beautiful.
That’s what we call good UX.


-the kitchen of your business

It’s essential to select the right technology for the right project. The back-end of your application or website will stay with you for a while, so it’s important to think about it and make it right. We see back-end development as the actual inner mechanism of your company—the location where the most important processes and value creation occur. We develop our web apps in PHP, Python, and Node.js.
Check out our technologies below.
Almost every app that is being created needs to be integrated with different APIs and systems. We cover you in that field.


Quality Assurance

Everything we do is thoroughly tested, checked and well documented. Our approach to quality assurance in web applications was developed while working with financial institutions and health care – in these industries; there is no place for mistakes and poor quality.


What does it mean?

Yes, you got it right!
We can build your next web app or website from the ground up. Check our process to see when we can start.

What is most important in the process of Web Development with Vortech

Vortech process
Vortech process

…and they lived
happily ever after

First date
Kick-off workshop
Development & Documentation
Testing and Quality Assurance

…and they lived happily ever after


Keeping business partners in the loop



A unique marketplace for unique customers

eCommerce Web Apps

HireQ App

A unique booking and ticketing application


99 OVR

Keep your mortgage under control

eCommerce Mobile Web Apps Wordpress


Bringing PM’s together

Web Apps


Choose your package, and stay connected.

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Most standard team is composed of:

  • Requirements/Business Analyst

  • Project manager

  • Key Designer

  • One or two frontend developers

  • One or two backend developers

Teams compositions

Teams working on your projects might have a different composition, depending on the project’s particular needs. What they have in common is that all of them are run by a seasoned project manager – you don’t have to coordinate work for our developers or designers (unless you want to).

This standard team uses UI/UX designers, testers and other specialist from Vortech as a service -they are joining the team for particular tasks and supporting your project. This way, you only pay for people whose work you use at any stage of development.

What can we do for you?

Talk to us about your project, and let's start building it together!

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