How do we build responsive websites and applications

  • We utilise technology that serves the implemented
    solutions — never the other way around.

    Regardless of the project and its complexity, we always
    use technology with your business in mind.
  • We focus on developing an easy-to-use interface
    with a unique but practical design.
    We maximise the
    conversion and monetisation of our implemented
    solution to help you fully realise your business goals.
  • We care about the stability of the application or
    website we’re developing.
    That’s why we design all
    functionalities so that they meet the expectations of
    admins, content managers, and users.

Vortech Technologies


Front-end technologies are used to create interfaces. These technologies are responsible for the appearance of the website or application. That’s why we at Vortech go above and beyond to ensure that they’re responsive and exceptionally user-friendly. We choose technology that’s best suited to the needs of each individual project.
A well-designed front-end means a higher level of user satisfaction for your application
or website. Our front-ends are always easy to navigate and have a modern and superior design that sets you apart.


Angular is a framework built in TypeScript that's commonly used to create large and complex web applications and business systems, along with SPA and PWA. With Angular, we're able to develop custom solutions for software and mobile applications, no matter how complex.


The JavaScript library, also known as React.js, was created in 2013 by former Facebook software engineer Jordan Walke. JavaScript has become the most popular programming language in the world, and for good reason. This open-source library allows us to quickly build intuitive interfaces and web applications for your business.

React Native

We build modern mobile applications for iOS and Android faster and with less effort than our competitors. This is made possible by React Native, which guarantees cheaper and faster work for our programmers while maintaining a high level of quality and efficiency.


If the front-end is responsible for the user-visible part of the application, the back-end technology takes care of its proper operation and communication with the database. We choose back-end technologies that suit the planned development
of the application or website, while also taking the latest trends into account.
Having a properly programmed back-end is critical to the security of any application or website, along with
the minimisation of errors, the speed of operations, and the ability to add new features.


Symfony is a technology used to create long-term and constantly evolving projects such as multi-module websites and services. Symfony is fully capable of working alongside other solutions.


Laravel is the most popular framework for building functional and scalable web applications. It speeds up and facilitates the work of developers at Vortech, ultimately reducing project costs. Laravel also guarantees clear code for your application or website. Your IT department will thank you for it.


We use the JavaScript-based technology Node.js to scale designed applications, online stores, and websites to properly support multiple users at the same time. With Node.js, your project will serve an unlimited number of employees or customers.


We choose systems to support online stores according to the needs of each project.
This allows us to create modern and stable online stores that help in selling both physical and virtual products.


WooCommerce is the world's most popular solution for running small online stores. That's why we use this CMS WordPress extension regularly to create fully functional e-commerce systems.


This e-commerce system is designed for fast-growing online stores that aim to sell on an international scale, among other things.


A Content Management System (CMS) allows you to quickly and easily add, delete, and edit content on your website — no matter what your level of technical expertise is.


The world's most popular CMS is also one of the most versatile. At Vortech, we use WordPress, a so-called headless CMS, to create websites from scratch, including as a back-end.

What can we do for you?

Talk to us about your project, and let's start building it together!

Błażej Dziuk